Sweeper Sorter


About the Eurosort Sweeper Sorter

Simple, Efficient, Reliable. The EuroSort Sweeper Sorter is THE solution for sorting polybags and small items under 5 inches tall and under 5 lbs. It has a modular design that allows for extreme flexibility and scalability should your operational needs change, and it’s compact design allows it to fit in spaces never considered for automated sortation in the past.

The Pharmacy Distributors Best Friend

There is a reason that 6 or the top 7 Pharmacies in North America use our equipment. Exceedingly accurate, incredibly cost-efficient, and with the horsepower to handle up to 7,200 items/hour, the Sweeper Sorter is ideal for applications involving items under 5 inches and 5 lbs. Whether that is pharmaceutical bottles in polybags, electronics, books, or apparel, the Sweeper Sorter’s bi-directional paddles can discharge both left and right without the need to reset between items. This means that induction is easier than ever, and gapping is much more manageable. When you are looking to sort small items at speeds of 7,200 items or less, the EuroSort Sweeper Sorter is the ONLY place you should look.

ProductsThroughputMin. Item SizeMax. Item SizeWeight
Polybags, Electronics, Pharmacueticals, Jewelry up to 7,200 items per hour1 x 1 x 0.25 in15.7 x 13.7 x 6 in10 g - 5.5 lbs

Benefits of the Sweeper Sorter

  • Bi-Directional Discharge – Divert items left or right with no reset required!
  • Modular Construction – The ultimate in flexibility
  • Manual Induction Ease – Save money, reduce complication, and increase your flexibility with a machine that allows for manual induction.
  • No-Touch Pack Out – The tightest discharge pitch in the industry enables the sorting of items directly into the outbound carton/tote/container with no secondary touch during packout.
  • No-Weld Framework –Easy installation, easy expansion, and superior modularity of your sortation system.
  • Smallest Discharge Pitch – Increased accuracy allows for a smaller discharge pitch and a denser sorter footprint.
  • Gentle Push Product Handling – Sorting your fragile items without damage!
  • Quiet As a Mouse Operation – Noise levels below 70dB
  • Low Budget Friendly – High quality automation without the high price tag
Sweeper Sorter Chutes - EuroSort

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